Thursday, January 28, 2010

Christmas Festivities

Sorry that some of these pictures are kind of old. I have started a bad habit of downloading pictures off my camera only once a month. So this year for Christmas we decided to do our own family traditions before we left for Idaho to go to Alan's folk's place. It was really fun for us! I made this HUGE dinner for the three of us. Afterwards we told Michael the story of Christ's birth, sang Christmas songs and then opened up most of our presents to each other. I really didn't want to haul all of the presents to Idaho so Alan and I opened up all of our gifts and saved half of Michael's gifts to take with us. I think we are going to do that from now on.

This year I decided to make bookmarks for all of Alan's family that was going to be at his parents house (Sorry Annie and Sharen's families). I also made some for his siblings that are out on their missions right now. I made a total of 11 bookmarks. It took me all year to do them, but they were a lot of fun to do.

Grandpa Mattson and Michael enjoying Michael's new book from Aunt Heather.

Michael just loved being around all of his cousins. I was afraid he might have a hard time since he did during Thanksgiving, but this time he did great!

Alan's parents have a bird that Alan just loves. He showed it to Michael and Michael feel in love too. In this first picture he is trying to kiss the bird!

Since we have been back from Christmas the weather here has been pretty nice. It has been raining quite a bit but the temperature hasn't been very cold. Once we all got over our colds we were out side immediately. Michael was so happy to be able to play outside again!

So for Alan's church calling he needed me to make him a batch of home made root beer. I have never made it before and there are definitely things I will have to change to the recipe for next time, but it was a lot of fun for Me and Michael to try!

As you all know we have been working on our house a lot! We decided to get Michael a tool set for Christmas so that he can have his own tools to help with. =) (Alan also loves this gift!)
