Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vlad's off

Last weekend we went to Ashton Idaho to spend a little more time with Vlad (Al's brother) before he left for his mission. While we were there Alan bought a chain saw and convinced everyone to go cut some lumber for his parents wood burning stove. Alan loved every minute of it!

Michael slept in a suitcase until my sister-in-law brought her other pack and play up there with her. Thanks Tiff!

Well the trip was a lot of fun but really quick. It was hard with Michael. He has slept through the night ever since he was 2 months old. When we got there he woke up between 2 to 5 times a night! Ucky! I think the long drive, the time change, and sleeping in a unfamiliar place with Me and Al in the same room could of had a lot to do with it. Now that we are home he has been waking up once during the night. He will cry for a couple of minutes and then fall right back to sleep. All I can say is weird!


Jamie said...

Hey Debbie! You're married and have a baby, that's crazy! It's been too long since I've seen you! Your little guy is so cute! I love the pic of him in the suitcase! I hope your doing well!!

me said...

Hey how is it going? I stink at this blog thing. What is Your "URL" address so I can follow you.

me said...

Nice picture! I am going to call child services on you. Just kidding it actually is super cute. He is turning into a little cute chunk. I just talked to my mom and they are going to be here for NEw Years so yes New Years at my Parents Place. Well we are doing good. Just busy with work which is going to come to an end soon I am sure of it. Winter puts a hault on things and that is ok.
SO I hated the first time I watched twilight but then I watched it a second time and loved it. GOt all giddy and stuff. Weird I know but it is cute. Not like the book completly so you have to let that go and just try to like the movie.
So anyways hope you make it our way soon. and i will see you then