Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Last Saturday we had someone hit us in the Baskin Robins parking lot. Their hitch hit our back bumper and put a nice hole right through it. They don't make bumpers like they use to! Anyways, she was really nice about the whole thing. She came into the store to find out who she hit instead of hitting us and running. So right now we are trying to get estimates and get the whole insurance thing figured out. Lots of fun! I will be very happy when it is all taken care of. At least we are still able to drive the car around.

At the moment we are trying to find either a house or some property to buy. It's a lot of fun to go house shopping. Some days it gets a little frustrating because you have to look at a lot of dumps before you find something decent. What we are finding a lot of are modular homes on really nice pieces of property. All of the houses are on these little lots. At least time is on our side. We are in no huge hurry so we will just keep on looking until we find that good deal. It will be really nice when we get into our own place. Our apartment is pretty nice and is just fine for our little family, but we would really like to be putting our money into something rather than keep giving it away in rent. I also can't wait for the day that I have a washer and dryer in my own house! Five loads of laundry and a 20 pound baby isn't the easiest thing to haul around the apartment complex and down a steep flight of stairs to the laundry facility. I use to say that cleaning showers was my "least" favorite thing to do on my cleaning list. Now I would have to say that laundry tops it! Hey look at the bright side, I always get my arm work out in on those days!


Jessie said...

I am sorry to hear about the car. More insurance issues for you guys to deal with. I think you have had your fair share. How has Michael been after all these trips? I like hearing about house hunting.

Mindy said...

Debbie I am so glad you updated! Michael is so stinkin cute! Jamie's little boy would do the same thing with his pacifier and one time he had the whole thing in his mouth! Good luck finding a house, I hope one day soon we will get to that point. Miss ya lots!!!!