So I decided to go crazy and cut my hair. I have had my hair the same way for so long that I was getting really sick and tired of it. To some this hair cut might not be too extreme, but to me it is! I really don't mind the length of it now, but the layers didn't quite turn out like I was hoping. You can't see the shortest layers in this picture but take my word on it that they don't look good. Lets just say that I won't be wearing my hair completely down for a while.

(I used the timer on my camera to take this picture. You just can't beat the run and strike a pose real fast experiences. Not to bad for the first try hu!)
Whoa, I CANNOT believe you cut your hair. However, I can't see anything different from the picture. Maybe it is slightly shorter. I can't wait to see it. Too bad I won't for like FOREVER. I wanted to call you the other day but I don't have your phone number. I hope all is well over there. The hair looks CUTE by the way. :)
The way you have it styled looks really cute...I don't know what you're talking about. :) But I understand how something different can be non-likeable. I may doing an extreme cut myself in the next few weeks, so check the blog and let me know what you think!
Debbie I love your hair. I have always been jealous of how pretty your hair is. Also your FHE was really cute! I was laughing hard! I so wish we could just call each other one day and go to lunch. Hopefully one day!
Debbie, I think your hair is way cute. I am sure the layers look great. You just aren't used to them. Just keep messing around with them.
Oh Debbie. You still crack me up!! My blog says I haven't updated for 5 months because I changed it to private, so it doesn't tell you when I update anymore. I think if you remove my name & then add it back in, it will take away the last time I updated & just show my name. (Of course, this didn't work for one of the people on my blog, so it might not work for you either! :)
Anyway, I think your hair is way cute. I like the layers! I know how it feels to make such a drastic change though. I'm scared to cut my hair any shorter than it is!
This is how I remember your hair! Wasn't it like this when we were roommates? I made my blog private a few months ago, did you not get an invite? If you need me to send you a new one, will you email me your email address at Thanks!
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