We have a lot of Birthdays in the month of June for our little family. Alan's was the 16th and Michael's was two days later. Since we were flying out to Alaska on Michael's Birthday we decided to celebrate it a day early. With everyone being sick and the big trip coming up we didn't get to do too much for their Birthdays but it was still fun.
We bought Michael a hiking back pack, a quiet book and some clothes for his Birthday. He kind of got spoiled but most of the gifts were for us so what can I say. We can now take Michael on hikes with us which is a lot of fun! The quiet book was a purchase in hopes to help keep little ones quiet and still during church. We tried it for the first time last Sunday. It worked for a while but I guess I can't expect too much. Church is a long time for little guys. Michael really is a pretty good boy and we sure do love him!
All'right, I didn't know Al liked Strawberry Rhubarb pie that is one of my favorite desserts and pies as well. I had no idea it was Alan's birthday and now I am wondering if I called you guys on that day and didn't even say a word. We are so bad at remembering birthday's around here. I love the pictures of the boys. I forgot that Michael can eat anything and everything now!! Hurray! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
Happy birthday Alan and Michael. I can't believe he already is a year old! It probably went fast for me becuase 1-he is not my baby 2-I didn't know that you had a baby until he was like 3 months old :) I hate that we didn't keep in touch then. Thanks goodness for blogs! Hope your having a fun summer!
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